We know you're busy and need straightforward, uncomplicated support and advice to help you run an effective Workplace Pension.

Every employer has different employees, processes, and objectives – and therefore needs a Workplace Pension tailored to their needs and priorities.

Having the right Workplace Pension in place for your employees helps them plan for their future retirement. Helping your employees on their journey to retirement can support your role as a caring employer.  

At SG Corporate Services we are experienced in providing support and advice to large and small employers to keep you compliant and up to date with the ever-changing world of Workplace Pensions.  Our team of Employee Benefit Consultants support employers needing to:

  • Operate a compliant auto-enrolment pension scheme
  • Improve value for money for members and the employer
  • Improve employee engagement

Collaborating with you, your employees, and third-party providers, our team will reduce your administration burden and provide your employees with a primary point of contact.

If you need an Employee Benefits Consultant or help with your Workplace Pensions, contact us in Norwich or Ipswich.

Product Guides

Product Guide - Workplace PensionProduct Guide - Salary Exchange

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